A story of the cocoon and Labyrinth - Shruthi Sharma

Amidst the silky webs, undergoing the toughest trials,

Where bouts intermingle, in life’s extra knit grip.

A beast beholds me tightly, not letting me go,

From dawn till dusk, my soul it consumes.

Every morning I arise to the monotony of repetition.

Repetition of routine, holding me so tight and close.

Close enough to destroy my yearning whispers,

To rise enough and undergo metamorphosis.

I am still in the cocoon, a space, a sanctuary,

A sanctuary of bitter truths traversing a silent storm .

A storm big enough to catapult a mystical being,

A being, such as me, pulling away from transforming.

I look inside, and I see a power,

A power of within holding me upright.

Upright enough to break free from the cocoon,

Seeking solace in the dreams, I strive to get free.

A resolute spirit, a tired body and an evasive mind,

Mind full of possibilities and inspiration.

As I navigate the toughest labyrinth of existence,

I still fight to strive each day.

I dream of a day with wings emerging,

Expanding to unfurl the greatest spirits,

Soring on the canvas of the evergreen sky

Sky with hues of dark blue, purple and pink

Soaring to catapult away from the labyrinth.

Metamorphosis, an ancient symphony of transformation

Amidst darkness, storm and a knit world,

A radiant bloom with testament of resilience

Waiting to flourish and dance in the skies.

For within all of me, is a dormant fire,

A volcano which can change the world in a split.

Bouncing into the world with a chance of rebirth,

Through metamorphosis, I find my truth.

Winds of change, winds of fire as I traverse,

Traverse through the threads of the cocoon.

Mastering the space of the labyrinth,

Through metamorphosis, I found myself yet again!

For today is a little too precious,

Precious to keep my wings upright.

Soar enough to traverse the complex labyrinth,

Yet return to the cocoon to tell a story !