My mother says
not all superheros wear capes.
Some wear armour shields and some uniforms.
But what they all wear in common is braveness.
Somedays she would caress
my hair back and call me her hero
even though
I couldn't even save myself.
Believe me I tried.
I tried my best to be tough
but I don't understand how much brave
is enough?
I tried so hard that I built an armour around me.
I tried so hard that I summoned all the swords from the hollows of my insides
and built an army.
I tried so hard but living with myself was a lost war.
I tried so hard but my body
became a graveyard of a broken somebody.
Of broken so many things.
Of the two hundred and six
broken bones that I couldn't fix
buried under my skin.
Of broken heart and choking lymphs.
Of broken wings.
Of memories of him.
Of my clavicle that broke like a fragile branch in a wild wind
of his breath when he kissed it.
Of a broken wrist which fell in love with a knife
but it killed it.
Of broken knuckles that fought constantly.
Of broken ankles that tried to run away from reality.
I tried.
I tried so hard
but I was so alone
with my army gone
I didn't have anyone to haunt
but me.
I tried to tell her
that most soldiers
have the kind of wound that doesn't heal.
I tried to tell her
that some armour shields
come back home empty
from their battlefields.