Dear Uncle- V. Akshai Kumar

That missing tooth when you smile,

That never ending knee pain when you walk for a while ,

That personality of yours which made us all comfortable and secure,

That generosity of yours which couldn’t be measured with intensions so pure.

You would always complain how this was a cruel world ,

That how people did not care about others, 

And how we always had to fit into a mould.

You tried too hard to fit in 

In fact you gave your best.

You used to love chicken,

And three to four pm was always meant for rest.

You looked hefty with a huge ponch and a 

grey beard,

You felt how people who did not like cars were weird .

You drove like a mad man and drifted until the tyres became flat, 

Be it a competition or any kind of achievement you would be the first person to give me a pat.

I can still feel the heat of that rectangular shaped furnace,

And you lying still with a smile across you face.

As they pushed you inside and the shutter closed slowly, 

I thought of it as though you were waving a good bye one last time.

I prayed to god, in-fact we all did. 

And our prayers were simple ,

For you to comeback from the illness

and just be there as a person among us.

But it looks like we asked for too much.

Dear uncle,

We all miss you and I know you are still here as I try to write this down,

Maybe not as a person but as my guardian  angel to protect me whenever I fall down.