Legacy of Law- Himadri Patel

Dampen the voices of our hearts,

Rupture our love and break us apart.

Deceive our trust and ruin our dreams,

Shelter our hopes and make us bleed.

Let it be written, our rightful Constitution;

Let it begin, our timely restitution.

We plant the seeds of our perpetual love,

We grow our symbol of peace - a graceful dove.

We banish the ghosts of our dreary hatred,

We let hopes blossom; now we are sated.

Let it thrive, our rightful Constitution;

Let it flourish, our timely retribution.

And now our voices have strength anew,

Our love and unity no longer askew.

Our trust is mended and our dreams run high,

Our hopes now reach beyond the skies.

We join our hands and chant together:

We are the victims with scars on our bodies.

We are the untouchables with scars on our minds.

We are the children with scars on our future.


Soon we will be the citizens of a new tomorrow,

Where we are promised

Justice, liberty, equality, fraternity.

Let it unite, our rightful Constitution,

Let it bind, our timely evolution.