Repeat- Ishika Yadav

Another morning,

The chirping birds drowned,

By a heavy sigh,

The orange glow ambling into the room,

Fingers clenching onto the duvet,

As if holding on to the final lifeline,

The sunshine ever so bright,

Its rays like arrows,

Against my shield,

The air whispers into my ears,

With its' every placid breath that I hear,

The cacophony of my thoughts gets wilder,

get up,

freshen up,

go to work,

I repeat in my head,

Silencing all the voices,

I begin to map out my day,

A map with all its streets twisted and turned,

And the more I look at it,

The more it looks like a gun,

A gun I wish I could put to my head,

Its cold touch,

Like a lover's lips against my skin,

And BOOM!,

I wonder how it would feel,

As all the thoughts spill out,

Would all the words at the tip of my tongue burst out like confetti?,

Celebrating my long-awaited peace,

Would the words stuck to my skin,

Finally, rub off,

My body starts to curl up into a ball of haterade and disgust,

Another morning,

Another morning indeed