Somedays..- Tanbir Kaur

Somedays I think

I'll just perish like dust

who just came in and out,

unknown to the world.

Or I'll just fall into

the layers of oblivion,

down and down, fleeting,

away from the sight of world.

And somedays, I think

It's the fear knocking at my door

Or it's the grueling pit, waiting,

to prison my soul

And will I ever escape,

once I become prey?

Will I ever walk

on the road that I made?

Somedays, I think

about this cacophony

of sirens, going loud,

in the dreamer's land.

Unrealistic seeds sown,

to wear the crown.

Will it ever replenish

to seize the day?

Or will it wither away

in winter's gaze?

And when the day comes,

to test the water,

I hide away,

Afar in the dungeons.

I shield myself,

from hurling stones

and box myself,

into the unknown.

And I think I'll perish to dust

in the grueling pit,

away from the rest.