Untying the Knot- Abha Pathak

I am to blame for this union's plight,

For I chose you, though my heart was not alight.

My parents' wishes, they weighed on my mind,

Their peace of mind, I sought to bind.

At first, I was cold, but you grew cold as well,

And all my efforts, they fell upon hell.

I tried to save this marriage, not for you,

But for society, it's gaze so true.

I was not good for you, nor your kin,

Our families' views, they did not blend.

You chastised me, my every word and thought,

"No one cares what you think," you often brought.

You controlled my life, my every move,

My money, my time, my desire to groove.

I tried to compromise, again and again,

But your uptight morals suffocated me, like a den.

You always wanted your way, to be right,

Even if it meant, a slap, a choke, a fight.

You suffocated me, under your weight,

For eating lunch or dinner before you, sealed my fate.

We changed our home, believing in the blight Of evil eye,

but evil filled your soul,

A charade of love, a facade so grand,

While your soul was dark, your heart in your hand.

Petty fights would rage, your voice a storm,

Intimidating me, my spirit torn.

No words allowed, your dominance decreed,

Your ego reigns, your victory decreed.

I still recall that haunting day,

When to a lawyer's den you dragged me away.

My face was red, my body frail,

With hunger and thirst, my spirit did wail.

I begged for mercy, for love's sweet refrain,

But your heart was cold, your resolve in vain.

You treated me worse than your humble maid,

While kindness to others you freely displayed.

A husband's love, you never did give,

No gifts, no affection, in which to thrive.

My requests for money, you swiftly rebuffed,

For why should your working wife should ask you for money.

A loving husband, all I desired,

But our definitions vastly conspired.

Now I see, through the mist of despair,

That your love was a prison, I could not bear.

I try to move on now

Sometimes I fly,

Sometimes, everything inside me cries

I thought I knew pain

Until I buried memories to avoid the relentless, haunting strain.

Your false promises filled the air,

Your face was fraudulent, I swear.

Marriage vows meant naught to you,

Your due has now been paid on Earth, it's true.

Like a blind person, I couldn't see your abuse,

But my family's love helped me choose.

Now I'm free from your demonic hold,

My story's yet to be told.

Happy, free, and adventurous,

My future's brighter than yours.

No more shadows, no more fear,

I'm the architect of my own frontier.

I see a future bright, a destiny to pursue,

My light shines on, while yours fades from view.

So goodbye, demon, I bid you adieu,

I'm starting a life that's brand new.