When Did Our Childhood End? | Dania Ahmed


I want to walk down those lanes again
that once bore witness to my childhood.
I want to ask them if it was as lively as I remember,
The walks in the garden, the meadows, and the woods.

Was our laughter as loud as it still rings in my ears?
Was it as cheerful and free from all fears?

Were the trees as tall and the grass as green?
Does the scent of roses still linger, and is the view still as serene?

Is that trunk of a tree still lying there, which once fell to the ground and laid,
Which patiently bore us climbing on top, for all the evenings that we played?

Did it delay its decay and finally die when it was time for us to go?
Did it, on purpose, halt its growth and instead watch us bloom and grow?

Were the faces around me as happy as they are etched in my mind?
Or was I too young to see the grief that they perfectly hid behind?

Is that the innocence of youth they talk about,
Which once lost is never to be found?
The carefree spirit that once ran wild
Is now shackled with duties, never unbound.

When did it all end? Was it all too sudden for me to realize,
Or was it when I bargained to be the master of my choices,
With what came as responsibilities in disguise.

We remained unaware of the worries of life, and the world seemed so fair and good,
Alas, this bubble of lies was burst,
And I think that marked the end of my childhood!