Being A Girl: No Regrets | Himanshi Shinde


The Hospital Room was filled with tension

With doctors paying full attention

A new life was about to take birth

For ‘THEM’ it was more than millions in worth.

At last there came a sound of cry

But it was not a baby boy.

The cry which echoed in the hospital hall

Was of none but ‘HER’ baby doll.

With tears of joy ‘HER’ baby ‘SHE’ lifts

For ‘HER’ it was a precious gift.

They told new father and played their part

‘HE’ jumped in air and shouted, “She is my heart”

‘THEY’ brought her home and nurtured with care

And bestowed upon her the love ‘THEY’ shared

With glistening eyes and hands unfold,

I listened to this story which my mom told,

‘SHE’ was my MOM, ‘HE’ was my DAD,

And it was I who was born, a neonate.

‘THEY’ played with her and made her laugh

By acting like bull and sometimes a calf.

‘THEY’ were awake for nights when she was ill

Took her to the best hospitals and paid her bills.

‘THEY’ took great care and fed her best

Whenever she peaked, ‘THEY’ could not rest

‘HE’ held her hand and made her walk,

‘SHE’ took her in the lap and taught her to talk.

‘HE’ didn’t punish her when she broke ‘HIS’ glasses,

A thing which was must for his work and classes.

‘SHE’ smiled even when she spilled the milk

On floor, on bed or on ‘HER’ dress of silk.

She often broke the crockery and her toys

But all these acts never hampered ‘THEIR’ joys

With glistening eyes and hands unfold,

I listened to this story which my mom told,

‘SHE’ was my MOM, ‘HE’ was my DAD,

And it was I who always kept ‘THEM’ busy and mad.

‘THEY’ celebrated her birthdays with sweets and cakes

For doing preparations, early morning ‘SHE’ would wake

‘HE’ returned from office with balloons and candles

And toys and frocks and lovely sandals

‘THEY’ accompanied her on the first day of her school

Where she cried and cried for hours like fool

‘SHE’ taught her to write, ‘HE’ taught her to read

And told her about animals, plants and seeds

One day ‘HE’ bought a new cycle for her

She laughed and clapped and sang and slurred.

‘HE’ taught her cycling and all techniques to paddle

And ran behind her while she rode sitting comfortably on the saddle.

And ‘SHE’ was also busy teaching her spellings

And made sure that there is no lack in her upbringing

With glistening eyes and hands unfold,

I listened to this story which my mom told,

‘SHE’ was my MOM, ‘HE’ was my DAD,

And it was I the learner, she said.

Then came days when I grew mature

Able to understand things myself for sure

‘YOU’ never restricted and gave me wings

And taught me to be self-dependent and manage own things.

But for discipline ‘YOU’ were always firm and strong

And rightly punished me whenever I went wrong

I still remember the tough times of board

When ‘YOU’ stood like a pillar on which I shored

In times of trouble ‘YOU’ were always there by my side

As Parents, a friend, a Teacher or Guide.

They say for a girl life is full of thorns,

But for me it was ‘A CRADLE OF ROSES’ ever since I was born

My love for ‘YOU’ I can never express

Whatever I’ll say, the words will be less.

With glistening eyes and hands unfold, ‘THEY’ listened to the story then I told

‘YOU’ are my MOM; ‘YOU’ are my ‘DAD’

And if all girls have such parents then