A Visit to My Mama’s Resting Place | Pekingto Jimo — Wingword Poetry Prize

Submissions open for Wingword Poetry Prize. Early deadline has been extended to March 15th, 11.59 PM.

A Visit to My Mama’s Resting Place | Pekingto Jimo


In a hushed corner, where wild flowers bloom,

Lies my sweet mama’s resting place, in gloom.

I shall soon visit this calm, quiet space,

A place that holds my mama’s name in grace.

Mama, as we know, mid June’s drawing near,

I’m coming back to visit you, my dear.

But this time, it will be a special one,

For someone comes alongside your dear son.

On your stone, she and I, will flowers lay,

And with you shall sit, talk and spend the day.

And for the first time, I won’t shed a tear,

For joy, she brings along, my lady fair.

I will return home happy, not alone,

But with companion by my side, my own.

Mama, oh how I bet you will like it,

This visit that will bring joy, bit by bit.

Oh, with a heavy heart I come again,

Depressed and lonely, sad and filled with pain.

Mama, I’m sorry that you hear my cries,

As I sit here alone, beneath the skies.

But my fair lady promised, hand in hand,

To visit your tomb, on this sacred land.

Yet, fate played her accomplished cruel part,

Left me with nothing but a wounded heart.

The cool breeze whispers your sweet lullabies,

As teardrops glisten in my weary eyes.

Cicadas’ summer songs and sunrays gleam,

Reflect the tender love you once did beam.

Oh, how the ache within me starts to grow,

For my love could not come, the sorrows flow.

My broken heart is pained, in great regret,

For being alone, this day, I’ll ne’er forget.

The weary sun descends and calls me home,

But I don’t wish to go, I’d rather roam

Around here, for it no more holds the grace

Of my mama; no better than this place.

Yet, farewell I bid, with a heavy heart,

For from this place we’re bound to be apart.

But the thoughts shall last, till the end of days,

Of this mournful visit, where sadness stays.
