Truth, stand by it | Vijay Kumar


In times, when truth be the victim

Stand by it

For truth, seek not validation

Shed trepidation

Hold thine head high,

When truth thee declare

For by it,

Thou shalt be known

Pick your speech with care

For truth is to heal, and repair

Farther misery in history,

Caused by lies

No greater a misfortune

Wrung ‘pon mankind

Deceit with quick spoils,

Stands alone

Thou must get its sins,

To atone

When choiced with honour or fame

Choose the one which keeps thee sane

Knowest among allies,

The antidote to evil

From morals, ethics, ideals, kindness and principle

With these,

Be armed thou must

To buttress,

Thine belief and trust

Then deep within,

Thee will always be strong

No matter how grievously,

Thee be wronged

With every dawn,

Shall rise the belief

Only thine truth,

Will bring reprieve

Baulk not,

If thine truth hath no patron

I shall hail thee,

From wherever I be

Truth may toil for justice

But win it must,

For a soul’s armistice


Great men have walked alone

Their greatness, later in glory,

First, from the path they owned

Every person be great,

Not alone by fame

But by truth, to their name

In this I trust

When thou shall shine,

Thence, pride and honour be mine

So, remember

In times when truth be the victim,

Stand by it