They rise against this pandemic,

Some on roads, some in clinic

Risking their own for saving millions of lives,

At times being attacked by misleaded stones and knives!

Need for adulation of this creed philanthrope,

For they are in this dark, the rays of hope!

A virus entered the land of Ganga and Somnath,

Leaving ruthlessly behind; of dead, a path

Fighting this infectious malign,

Disinfecting its each and every sign

Each day they pray, they work hard,

For the healthy future of a nation they guard

Let’s cooperate with them,

In this tunnel so dark, they are a gleaming gem

They’re on war for days and nights,

Ever you see them passing by, hail these aproned-up knights

Please O Lord! Make this virus fade away.

Thanks O Lord! These Angels of Yours, stand between Us and the Doomsday!