Philosophers Can Never Have Wives!- Anuja Raj

Philosophers can never have wives

They question and rampage you

Trying to figure out the W’s and H’s

Torment you to the extreme

Without counting the ticks

They corner you with their curiosity

Finds sublimity in repartees

Embalms you with a notoriety

Or some not-good emotion

You feel dejected, lost, and futile.

They summarily reject you

Take their bags and go

Shake off your courage

Or try dashing off

Thinking it's insane to cross you

You cling to them

Like creepers blooming

Trying your best to suffice

Their inner torment

To notice you losing the sanity

Alas you realize it’s vain

You are not a blister

Not a tapeworm or a canker

But cancer or a Capricorn

Sworn into their life to be invisible

They wail at things incomprehensible

And heats up at the slightest trigger

Everything is insane

Swirls around in a whirlwind

Incredulous and undecipherable

But they make the most passionate love

Something that conquers you deep

And makes you need them

To love is to give they say!

Yet, Philosophers can never have wives!

There, you are! cracked open!

A nut, a shell, a pod, or a peanut

Swelling up, you notice

It's not you who is insane

But a hell let lose upon you!

And yet I speak for them

Philosophers can never have wives!

They are not born to share

Every day is a lesson

To lessen the other beside them!